Project Results
During the EnFinCap project’s implementation, the possible financial literacy gaps and needs will be identified, through desk and field research, in order for a national state of the art to be conducted. In use of this information, a micro-trainings e-course will be developed, in order to enhance the knowledge, skills and competences of women microentrepreneurs. This educational material will be hosted in an e-platform, which will be developed especially for the needs of the project.
Project Result 1
Map existing competencies in partner countries on entrepreneurial and financial "literacy", existing competencies, knowledge
During the starting phase of the project, desk research on the situation of each country based on the skills of women entrepreneurs will be conducted. A questionnaire will be developed by the leader, and it will be translated to all national languages. Each partner should conduct desk research in his own country, and then prepare a national report, based on the template provided by the leader. The two researches that will be conducted will stem from two separate goals: the first one is the mapping of the existing curricula, and already developed training materials in each country, and the second one is the identification of the skills and knowledge gaps of women microentrepreneurs. A final analysis will be prepared with the contribution and feedback of all partners.
Project Result 2
A platform (with an e-course) that will ensure that women entrepreneurs acquire
knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of entrepreneurship and financial literacy (+ e-textbook)
In this stage, a platform with an e-course will be developed, that will ensure that women entrepreneurs acquire knowledge, skills and competences in entrepreneurship and financial literacy. Desk research based on these elements will be conducted. The result will be an e-platform with an integrated course, that will be compatible with the principles of micro-trainings, a short and to the point training process.
Project Result 3
Create training materials and develop and implement a platform and course through "short - term staff training"
During the 3rd output, the leader, with the contribution of all partners, will conduct desk research on micro-trainings, and prepare the content for the e-course based on the theme. The result leader should prepare the template for an e -textbook, which will be provided to all partners, and every one should prepare a chapter based on national data. The e-textbook will be the corpus of the training material. After the collection of all necessary data, the synthesis of the final form of the e-textbook will be conducted.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034638