The equality of men and women is fundamental to the European Union’s principles. Gender equality is a human rights issue that is crucial to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. As a body of the European Union and an integral part of Horizon Europe, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) plays a vital role in supporting the EU’s objectives of creating sustainable economic growth and jobs. It also contributes to public and private sectors at the national and regional levels to produce an effective response to gender inequality. Since December 2016, the institution has made a number of steps to improve its approach to gender mainstreaming, culminating in the approval of the EIT’s Gender Mainstreaming Policy in 2020.


At the same time, recent surveys show that while women entrepreneurs stand out in the industries for their efficiency, compared to the average labor market, only a small percentage believe in their potential. Aligned to the aforementioned, the EnFinCap project reflects the actual labor market challenges and governmental directions, as well as the real demands of  EnFinCap’s mission is to provide women, micro-entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness sector, with the abilities, knowledge, and the self-confidence they necessitate to take charge of their life and establish a secure future for themselves and their families.


At this stage, the online platform that will host the micro-training sessions has been developed (PR2 & PR3) and the drafting of the e-course that will ensure that women entrepreneurs acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of entrepreneurship and financial literacy is about to commence. The project’s e-platform was developed by Innovation Hive, the leader of the respected project result, and the micro-training sessions will be developed using innovative digital tools that ensure interaction to the user.


Last but not least, women will try to lead change for the years to come, through their ingenuity, innovation, creativity, and productivity.  Thus, EnFinCap’s mission is to provide women micro-entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness sector with the abilities, knowledge, and self-confidence they need to take charge of their life and establish a secure future for themselves and their children. As a result, the project must be viewed as a critical long-term investment in human capital for the greater good.


In order for you to be up to date regarding the EnFinCap project’s news, and be the first to access the micro-training sessions, visit the project’s website: https://enfincap.eu/


Add the beauty and wellness sector

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034638

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