The professional beauty services industry is a female dominant field of work. The woman lead in the beauty and wellness industry is translated to active participation of women microentrepreneurs as service providers during the day.
Automatically, that consumes most of the time, leaving minimum space for strategic planning and organization. The technology use and software applications are here to save the day, and simplify the decision-making process.
By studying the marketplace, we can easily locate ideas and innovation, which are inspiring and applicable. The EnFinCap project is here to provide all that knowledge, in the most convenient way.
The goal of EnFinCap is to empower women micro-entrepreneurs in the field of beauty and wellness with competencies, knowledge and self-confidence to take responsibility for their lives and create a secure future for themselves and their families. Therefore, EnFinCap needs to be seen as a key long-term investment in human capital for our common good.
The EnFinCap project partners are in the pleasant position to announce that the first project result, the contemporary analysis of the current state of competences and opportunities in the women microentrepreneurs field, has been completed with full succession, and the deliverables are available in our project website.
The deliverables consist of a competencies analysis and a statistical evaluation and gaps identification, containing all the answers collected from the field research in the descriptive form of graphic presentations with explanations and remarks in national level, a synthesized state-of-the-art report, including the findings of the desk research, the theoretical approach on the woman entrepreneurship subject and financial literacy, always with a national orientation.
The project partners are eager to see the EnFinCap project progress, and have already started accomplishing the next milestones.
Feel free to navigate and go through the developed material on the project website: https://enfincap.eu/

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034638