Impacts of EnFinCap training - Staff training in Larissa, Greece 20-24.2.2023
I am a beautician and I work in a beauty salon with my mom. I think this EnFinCap project will help me improve my financial and business skills, as well as help me gain confidence in the work environment.
Ajda Simončič (Regional Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship Maribor, Slovenia)
I am really happy that I was able to participate in the staff training for the EnFinCap project in Larissa. I felt that I have learned a lot about entrepreneurship, and I feel more confident to convey that knowledge to our target group and achieve big project impacts. I have also met a lot of new, interesting people, for which I am really grateful and happy that I could learn from them.
Ana Ulbin (MIITR)
We (at Innovation Hive) would like to thank all the participants for going through all the micro-training session the partnership has developed for them. We really appreciate the feedback we collected, and we promise to make improvements and have a very fruitful and successful training session of the target group in Vienna in May.
Chrysi Triantafyllou (Innovation Hive)
This meeting was very impressive, very interesting. The tools are very helpful for people who want to open their own business.
Bettina Froestl (ipcenter)
We have just successfully finished the first training of the EnFinCap project. We are really happy that all the partners participated. The topics discussed are related to entrepreneurship and financial literacy. We got a lot of feedback from the participants. Now we hope that everyone will make the appropriate adjustments to be ready for the next learning-teaching-training activity in Vienna.
Aigli Gioumi (Chamber of Larissa)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034638