Empowering Women Micro-Entrepreneurs: EnFinCap Micro-Training Sessions
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of women entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness sectors. These women have demonstrated exceptional business acumen and have been able to build successful enterprises, catering to the growing demand for beauty and wellness products and services. However, many of these women micro-entrepreneurs face challenges related to financial capacity building, which can limit their ability to grow their businesses. Financial capacity building is the process of developing skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to effectively manage finances and make informed financial decisions. For women micro-entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness sectors, financial capacity building can be particularly important, as they often have limited access to financial resources and lack the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage their finances.
The EnFinCap is a project that seeks to empower independent women micro-entrepreneurs with the competencies, knowledge, and self-confidence to take responsibility for their lives and create a secure future for themselves and their families. To achieve this goal, the partnership organized micro-training sessions on enterprise training in Larissa, Greece, where participants had the opportunity to improve their financial and business skills, gain confidence in the work environment, and learn from experts and peers. The training sessions were well-received by the participants, who expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow. For instance, participants said that the EnFinCap would help them improve their financial and business skills and gain confidence in the work environment or that they learned a lot about entrepreneurship and felt more confident to convey that knowledge to the target group, achieve big project impacts and that they found the tools they were presented very useful.
The micro-training sessions covered a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship and financial literacy. The sessions were designed to be interactive, engaging, and practical, allowing participants to learn by doing and applying what they learned to their own businesses. The trainers were experienced and knowledgeable professionals who provided valuable insights, tips, and feedback to the participants. The micro-training sessions were also just the beginning of a journey that will take the participants to Vienna, where they will have another learning-teaching-training activity to further develop their skills and competencies. The EnFinCap project is committed to making improvements based on the feedback they collected and ensuring that the training sessions are fruitful and successful for the target group.
In conclusion the project is a long-term investment in human capital for the common good, as it seeks to empower women micro-entrepreneurs who often face social, economic, and cultural barriers to success. By providing them with the competencies, knowledge, and self-confidence to take control of their lives and create a secure future for themselves and their families, EnFinCap is contributing to the economic and social development of the communities they live in.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034638